Tag Archives: Acceptance

Love is All You Need?

I came across this video a few days ago, and after watching it, it gave me a real insight on the perspective of what it would be like to live in the shoes of a homosexual. The issue I hold with this video is the scene in the church. If this is supposed to be a mirror image of what life is supposed to be like, how come the scripture readings are nothing like what the bible actually says? I get that they were changed in a sense to adapt to the film, but nowhere in the bible does it say “any such person harboring lust in their heart for the same sex WILL burn in hell”. I believe that if a person has sexually immoral thoughts, it is still a sin, but not as great as those who act upon those thoughts. Just in the way that some men have sexual immoral thoughts about a woman who is not his wife, I feel this is natural since humans are naturally sinful. It is when he acts upon these thoughts that the sin is magnified, which leads to affairs and in some cases, even rape. Now I’m not comparing two gay men to a rapist, I am comparing their sexual immoralities with premarital sex, external marital sex, and molestation as all being sinful in God’s eyes. It is society’s eyes that are changing the norm, first with premarital sex, now with homosexual marriage, and someday, other forms of sexual impurities will be accepted because society will keep drifting from God’s law.